PDF⋙ Geophysical Characterization of Gas Hydrates by Eleanor C. Willoughby, and Satinder Chopra Edited by: Michael Riedel
Geophysical Characterization of Gas Hydrates by Eleanor C. Willoughby, and Satinder Chopra Edited by: Michael Riedel
Geophysical Characterization of Gas Hydrates by Eleanor C. Willoughby, and Satinder Chopra Edited by: Michael Riedel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The occurrence of gas hydrates in large quantities worldwide, and their immense energy potential have prompted concerted efforts into their exploration and understanding over the last many years. This SEG publication is the first book on the topic that focuses on documenting various types of geophysical studies that are carried out for the detection and mapping of gas hydrates.From reader reviews:
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