PDF⋙ How to Survive Anything: From Animal Attacks to the End of the World (and everything in between) (Outdoor Life) by The Editors of Outdoor Life, Tim MacWelch
How to Survive Anything: From Animal Attacks to the End of the World (and everything in between) (Outdoor Life) by The Editors of Outdoor Life, Tim MacWelch
How to Survive Anything: From Animal Attacks to the End of the World (and everything in between) (Outdoor Life) by The Editors of Outdoor Life, Tim MacWelch PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When the tornado strikes, when the solar flares blaze, when the zombies rise . . . what are you going to do? So many possible disasters, so little time to prepare. The end could be coming any day now, and you’ve got to be ready for the everyday threats such as an earthquake or hurricane, as well as those “well I didn’t see that coming” eventualities like a meteor strike or a killer virus. This all-purpose A to Z guide lays out the survival situations we’re all likely to face . . . and a few you really probably won’t. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover—this manual is the perfect gift!How to Survive Anything deftly balances the survival basics that you really do need to know with the wild and crazy eventualities that you probably don’t. But, on the other hand, who do you want in your bunker? The guy who read up killer robots or the one who didn’t?
The Outdoor Life writers have you covered when it comes to combating, well anything. They’ve written about everything from disaster preparedness to subsistence hunting and fishing, to which guns to use against the undead (really!). After reading the expert advice in this manual, you’ll be prepared for whatever this world throws at you.
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