Haunts of Virginia's Blue Ridge Highlands (Haunted America) by Joe Tennis
Haunts of Virginia's Blue Ridge Highlands (Haunted America) by Joe Tennis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A Confederate soldier forever lost at Cumberland Gap, the wispy woman of Roanoke College and the spectral horse that runs the streets of Abingdon are among the restless spirits of southwestern Virginia. Join local author Joe Tennis as he takes readers on both sides of the Blue Ridge to explore the ghostly tales of Appalachia and the Crooked Road. Peer over the rim of the New Castle Murder Hole, dive into the mysteries of Mountain Lake and wander among the lost graves of Wise County to discover the haunted lore of Virginia's Blue Ridge Highlands.This book bridges the Blue Ridge Parkway and follows the entire length of the Crooked Road: Virginia's Heritage Music Trail. It explores a couple dozen counties, with tales of towns called Fincastle and Saltville tucked away in Virginia's scenic southwestern corner. Each chapter is based on a blend of folk legends, longtime traditions, historical research and firsthand accounts.A bibliography is included, along with a map and 45 photographs.From reader reviews:
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