Count Alexis: Being the Voluptuous and Merry Adventures of a Bachelor by Anonymous
Count Alexis: Being the Voluptuous and Merry Adventures of a Bachelor by Anonymous PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When Monsieur Dormeuil calls upon a certain Mademoiselle for a spot of lascivious, he is surprised to learn of her humble origins as a convent Sister and of her tale of eventual liberation, of sexual and of her habit, by a man even more predisposed to licentiousness than he; Monsieur Alexis Lorille!
When the true object of Dormeuil's lust arrives, Pauline, the three make their way to Hotel X and to the company of Count Alexis. With the rooms of this palatial abode all manner of orgiastic spectacle abounds, as masked invitees entertain each other freely and without the least hint of prudish restraint.
What follows is Count Alexis regaling his new friend with many a tale of unbridled passion, interspersed of course with their partaking in the most lewd of scenes with more than one willing young woman.
This deliciously deviant tale of forbidden frolics among Parisian high-society, anonymously written in 1890, is a fine example of Victorian Erotica, replete with graphic prose that will sure to satisfy.
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