Harbor Fish Market: Seafood Recipes from Maine by Nick Alfiero
Harbor Fish Market: Seafood Recipes from Maine by Nick Alfiero PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For over 30 years, Harbor Fish Market in Portland, Maine, has been providing the highest quality seafood available. Through its retail store and food service division, it services retail customers, fine restaurants, and institutions. It also reaches thousands of customers through its retail airfreight department, and national wholesale sales department. In addition to its physical reach, Harbor Fish Market has become an iconic destination for tourists and locals alike: it is the authority on Maine seafood. With beautiful displays, knowledgeable family-run staff, and the best seafood around, Harbor Fish is synonomous with Maine's iconic industry. Finally, the family behind the successful business offers up decades worth of recipes and expertise so that you can cook up a delicious dish. From appetizers to soups to entrees, this collection of family-tested recipes is the must-have Maine seafood cookbook.From reader reviews:
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