Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) by Lippincott
Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) by Lippincott PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Based on the well-known Incredibly Easy! series, Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual!, Second Edition combines images and clearly written, concise text to make the complex concepts of hemodynamic monitoring easy to understand. Great for reference or review, it uses hundreds of detailed photographs, diagram, charts, and other visual aids to clarify essential cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology - and demonstrate the technical points and clinical applications of today's pressure monitoring systems, hemodynamic monitoring techniques, and circulatory assist devices.
The latest edition offers:
NEW! Updated to current Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice Centers for Disease Control requirements, and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Standards of PracticeNEW noninvasive cardiac output monitoring techniquesNEW revised content and images to provide the most up-to-date information Special sections to reinforce key points:
-- Ride the Wave: waveform explanations
-- On the Level: charts that outline normal and abnormal pressure readings.Visual mnemonics that help nurses understand and remember difficult concepts
Foster a quick and thorough understanding of hemodynamic monitoring the Incredibly Visual way - with clear, logical content, written in conversational style, highly-detailed visual aids, and key highlights that help you recall what you've learned.
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