PDF⋙ ChurchMorph: How Megatrends Are Reshaping Christian Communities (Allelon Missional Series) by Eddie Gibbs
ChurchMorph: How Megatrends Are Reshaping Christian Communities (Allelon Missional Series) by Eddie Gibbs
ChurchMorph: How Megatrends Are Reshaping Christian Communities (Allelon Missional Series) by Eddie Gibbs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
It is estimated that 80 percent of churches are either stalled or in decline. In Church Morph, internationally known church observer Eddie Gibbs goes beyond an analysis of causes to show how many churches and faith communities are actually breaking the downward trend. He expertly maps current converging church movementsemerging and missional churches, mainline renewal groups, megachurches, urban mission, new monasticism, alternative worship, and expanding networksand offers a positive assessment of the reshaping of today's church. The core of the book identifies trends and movements that provide signs of the kingdom and reveals how different faith communities are working out what it means to be "church" in a changing world. This stimulating and encouraging book will appeal to pastors, church leaders, and students interested in ministry, the emerging church, Christianity and culture, and mission. Excerpt The morphing of the church relates to the church transitioning to a new identity as a missional presence in the West. There is a growing realization among leaders committed to mission that the challenge will not be adequately met by adding new programs to ensure the local church, or a denomination's, institutional survival. Such leaders are talking about an unfettered reimagining of the church, resulting in a comprehensive change in its selfunderstanding and its reconfiguration.Frequently the term "deconstruction" is used by radical voices within the emergent church. But this technical term is often misunderstood, being perceived as too threatening and confrontational. It is heard to imply demolition and destruction, which is not what is intended. Deconstruction refers to a particular method of literary criticism that seeks to get behind the text to reveal the embedded assumptions. Among Emerging Church leaders, "deconstruction" signifies, not destruction, but a breakthrough. It means toFrom reader reviews:
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