Low-Fat Meats: Design Strategies and Human Implications (Food Science and Technology)
Low-Fat Meats: Design Strategies and Human Implications (Food Science and Technology) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This treatise embraces all of the various efforts to reduce fat in meat. Establishing methods such as breeding and feeding to control fatness are covered, but emphasis is on emerging technologies including meat processing and partitioning agents to reduce fat. Human implicaitons, such as health, social, ethical, and economic factors, are given special attention. Sensory charcteristics of low-fat meat, animal well being, and two new directions for the future are also discussed. Low-Fat Meats: Design Strategies and Human Implications provides an up-to-date overview of the technologies to produce low-fat meat, with a balanced discussion of the issues.Paying speical attention to health, social ethical, and economic implications inherent in developing low-fat meats, this volume also discusses sensory characteristics of low-fat meat, animal well being, and new directions for the future.
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