Auralite-23 Transformational Amethyst from the Cave of Wonders by Ashley Leavy
Auralite-23 Transformational Amethyst from the Cave of Wonders by Ashley Leavy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do you need help reclaiming your spiritual center? Enter the fascinating world of Auralite-23 and shift your consciousness with crystals! Learn how you can use the highly transformative Auralite-23 crystals in your everyday spiritual practice (as a powerful crystal ally and healing tool). With the techniques in this book, you will learn to reclaim your spiritual center as well as begin (or continue) your special crystal journey for personal healing and growth. Part how-to book, part work-book, part science, and part fun, this book gives an overview of the varieties of Auralite and their associated properties, instructions for creating your own Auralite-23 crystal elixirs, using the crystals in meditation, creating Auralite crystal grids, and performing auralite crystal layouts. The author also touches on wearing and using Auralite jewelry, the geological history of Auralite, and her reflections on using the crystal (which sets the record straight about many of the misconceptions concerning these crystals). Additionally, the book includes a very special interview with the Auralite Project Geologist. This book also includes special bonus downloads that will further enhance your connection with these special members of the mineral kingdom. Your book will give instructions on how to access these bonus gifts including: 11 PDF files, 3 mp4 video files, and 4 mp3 Guided Meditation files.From reader reviews:
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